60 Snacks Under 100 Calories

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60 Snacks Under 100 Calories


  1. Mini PB&F - one fig newton and a tsp of peanut butter
  2. Chocolate banana - ½ frozen banana dipped in 2 squares of melted dark chocolate (both “superfoods”)
  3. Frozen grapes (any color) - 1 cup. Freeze for 2+ hours. *These are great to bring in a lunchbox because they stay cold and act as ice for other foods. They’re also fun to eat frozen
  4. Honeyed Yogurt - 1/2c nonfat greek yogurt with a dash of cinnamon
  5. Spiced Orange - one orange sprinkled with cinnamon
  6. Grilled Pineapple - 2 ¼ “ thick pineapple rounds (about 1 c) grilled or sauteed for 2 minutes or until golden
  7. Berries & Cream - 1 c blueberries with 2 TBS whipped topping (or skip the topping for an even healthier treat)
  8. Stuffed Figs - Two small dried figs with 1 TBS reduced fat ricotta cheese stuffed inside. Sprinkle with cinnamon
  9. Oats & Berries - 1/3c rolled oats (cooked with water) topped with cinnamon and fresh berries
  10. Dark Chocolate - one block or 3 squares
  11. Nut Stuffed Date - Fill with almond butter
  12. Cinnamon Applesauce - 1 c unsweetened sprinkled with cinnamon
  13. Citrus Berry Salad - Mixed berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, &/or blackberries) tossed with 1 TBS orange juice.
  14. Maple-pumpkin yogurt - 1/2c nonfat yogurt (Greek has more protein) w 2 TBS pumpkin puree & tsp maple syrup
  15. 5 Strawberries dipped in Dark Chocolate (2 squares)
  16. Tropical juice smoothie - 1/4c pineapple, orange juice, & apple juice blended with ice.
  17. Vanilla & banana smoothie - 1/2c sliced banana, 1/4c vanilla yogurt, and a handful of ice blended
  18. Make your own Banana Chips - one sliced banana dipped in lemon juice then baked.
  19. Baked Apples - Core one apple, fill with 1 tsp brown sugar, handful of raisins and bake until tender. The whole kitchen smells yummy!
  20. Fruity Waffles - one 7grain frozen waffle topped with 1/4c mixed berries
  21. Cinnamon Graham Crackers and Peanut butter - 2 g.crackers & 1 tsp peanut butter & a sprinkle of cinnamon
  22. Cereal & Milk - ½ c Rice Krispies w/ ½ c skim milk
  23. Milk n’ cookies - 5 animal crackers w ½ c skim milk
  24. Warm Spiced Cider - 6 oz. apple cider w/ sprinkles of cinnamon and nutmeg, warmed.
  25. Citrus sorbet - ½ c lime sherbert (about one standard sized ice-cream scoop) with ½ sliced kiwi
  26. Caffe Latte - 8 oz steamed skim or soy milk with 1 shot expresso
  27. Carrots & hummus - about 10 baby carrots w/ 2 TBS hummus
  28. Pistachios - about 25. Crack them and eat one at a time to avoid grabbing 25 more! ;-)
  29. Cheese & crackers - 5 whole grain crackers with 1 stick of string cheese
  30. Edamame - 1/4c. with low sodium soy sauce
  31. Pretzels w/ mustard - 2 pretzel rods w/ 1 TBS of your favorite mustard
  32. Crunchy curried tuna salad - ½ c canned tuna with 1 tsp curry powder, 1 TBS red onion, and two celery ribs chopped
  33. Greek Tomatoes - 1 chopped tomato w/ 1 TBS feta cheese & a squeeze lemon juice
  34. Shrimp cocktail - 8 med sized shrimp, boiled or grilled w/ cocktail sauce
  35. Tomato soup w/ cheddar - ½ c w/ 1 TBS shredded cheddar cheese
  36. Kale chips - 1/2c raw-stems removed. Wash and dry thoroughly. Bake w/ 1 tsp olive oil salt and pepper @ 400degrees until crispy
  37. Sweet potato fries - 1 light bulb sized s.potato, sliced. Tossed w/ 1 tsp olive oil. Bake @ 400 degrees for 10 minutes
  38. Cucumber samdwich - ½ english muffin, 2 TBS cottage cheese & 3 slices cucumber
  39. Turkey roll-ups - 4 slices smoked turkey, rolled up and dippind in 2 tsp honey (or other) mustard
  40. Mixed olives - about 8
  41. Pumpkin seeds - 2 TBS pumpkin seeds, sprayed with oil (just a spritz) or tossed w/ ½ tsp. Bake @ 400 degrees for 15 minutes.
  42. Cucumber salad - one large cucumber with 2 TBS red onion and 2 TBS apple cider vinegar
  43. Spinach and egg white scramble - 3 egg whites scrambled and mixed with ½ c raw spinach and 1 TBS feta cheese
  44. Chick Pea salad - ¼ c chick peas w/ 1 TBS sliced scallions, a squeeze of lemon juice and 1/4c diced tomatoes.
  45. Rosemary Potatoes - 1/3 c thinly sliced potato w/ 1 tsp olive oil & 1 tsp chopped rosemary. Bake @ 350 degress for 20 minutes
  46. Spicy black beans and salsa - 1/4c beans, 3 TBS salsa
  47. Caprese salad - 1 oz (hockey puck sized) of fresh mozzarella w/ ½ c cherry tomatoes and 2 tsp balsamic vinegar
  48. Mini ham sandwich - 2 slices ham with 2 tsp mutard rolled in lettuce leaf
  49. Chocolate trail mix - 8 almonds, 4 chocolate chips, 1 TBS raisins
  50. Apples & Cheese - 1 nonfat mozzarella cheese stick w. half a baseball-sized apple, sliced
  51. PB & Celery - 1 medium celery stalk w/ 1 TBS peanut butter
  52. Cottage cheese & melon boat - 1 c melon balls w/ 1/2c non-fat cottage cheese
  53. Carrot & raisin salad - 1 c shaved carrots w/ 2 TBS raisins and 1 TBS balsamic vinegar
  54. Tropical cottage cheese - ½ c nonfat cottage cheese mixed w/ ½ c fresh mango & pineapple, chopped.
  55. Rice cake w/ almond butter - one rice cake w/ 2 tsp almond butter
  56. Sweet & spicy pecans - 5 roasted pecans w/ 2 tsp maple syrup and 1 tsp cinnamon
  57. Apples & peanut butter - ½ apple, sliced and dipped in natural peanut butter
  58. Strawberry salad - 1 c raw spinach w/ ½ c sliced strawberries and 1 TBS balsamic vinegar.
  59. Hard boiled egg with 5 multigrain crackers
  60. 1 c low sodium vegetable soup

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Inspirational Quotes

  • "There are no  facts, only interpretations." - Friedrich Nietzsche

  • "There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way." - Christopher Morley

  • "It is not happy people who are thankful; it is thankful people who are happy." - Unknown

  • "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." - Stphen King

  • "If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living." -Gail Sheehy